We mourn the passing of singer and guitarist supreme, Nick Colionne


(January 1, 2022) He has been an artist’s artist, and one of the most revered musician of the past two decades. Tonight we say a sad goodbye to guitarist and vocalist Nick Colionne, who reportedly died in his sleep early this morning.

The Chicago native began playing guitar as a pre-teen, and by his mid teens was known as a rising star around town. As a high schooler, he was already recording with such luminaries as Curtis Mayfield and The Staple Singers.

Colionne began recording solo in the mid 90s, and by the turn of the century he established himself as one of the brightest young stars on the jazz scene. His hit “High Flyin’” was the foundation of his 2003 breakout album Just Come In and began a string of hit songs and popular albums such as Keepin’ It Cool, No Limits, Influences, and his most recent disc, Finger Painting.

A commercial and critical favorite, Colionne was known for his dapper attire that made him a familiar sight at jazz cruises and festivals. He was also known for his community service in the Chicago area, particularly in mentoring students at St. Laurence K-8 School in Elgin, Illinois. His varied community work was recognized when he won the Wayman Tisdale Humanitarian Award in 2010.

The sudden loss of this great artist and humanitarian is an awful way to start 2022. We will be praying for his family, even as we reflect on his great contributions. Rest in peace, Nick.

By Chris Rizik


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