First Listen: The Temptations and Smokey Robinson team on nighttime gem


(September 24, 2021) When two Hall of Fame legends get together, magic can happen. And as the iconic quintet The Temptations belatedly celebrate their 60th anniversary, Otis Williams and company have brought in their longtime friend and Motown hitmaker, Smokey Robinson, to help create some enchantment. Robinson wrote the group’s first hits more than a half century ago, and he returns as composer and co-performer on the brand new single, “Is It Gonna Be Yes Or No,” the first release from the Tempts’ recent studio sessions.

The song opens softly with Temptations bass singer Willie Greene’s oom-poom-pooms, as the rhythm section slowly build’s into a classic Smokey Robinson nighttime vibe. And over the next four minutes, Smokey and Temptations members Mario Corboni, Ron Tyson and Terry Weeks take turns — a la Quincy’s “Secret Garden” — vocally enticing a lover to the ultimate end-of-the-evening question.

“Is It Gonna Be Yes Or No” will be a smile-inducing treat for the fans of both acts, or of classic Motown generally. It is the kind of late night jam that makes the entry into Autumn just a little nicer. Check it out.

By Chris Rizik

The Temptations and Smokey Robinson
“Is It Gonna Be Yes Or No”


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