First Listen: Newcomer Lee Lewis is “Willing & Able” on cool new single


(September 27, 2023) “Willing and Able,” the new song by LA based singer/songwriter Lee Lewis, is confirmation of the universal awfulness of the dreaded ‘friendship zone.’ The song tells the story of person who shares relationship tales of woe with a friend whose one true desire is to be something more than a friend.

The cut begins with a lyric that is heartfelt, hauntingly beautiful and oh so painful. “You tell me ‘bout other guys/And come to me for advice/While I just smile and replay/Just give it time/But then I wake up and the idea of us is on our mind.

Lewis’ sweet tenor mixes with the languid, rock inspired guitar in a way that will evoke a twinge of uncomfortable recognition in the hearts of a lot of listeners who will go back to an instance when they wanted nothing more than to tell their ‘friend’ how they felt, but opted for the safe, don’t rock the boat clichéd answer instead.

The song and the accompanying artsy video dropped last Tuesday. Unrequited love is bad. Unrecognized love might be even worse and loving someone who is unwilling or unable to acknowledge and return that love hurts whether the torch carrier old or young, male, or female, straight, or the case of Lee Lewis, gay. Check out “Willing and Able” and the accompanying video here.

By Howard Dukes


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