First Listen: Kim Tavar asks to “Love Me For Me”


(March 11, 2021) Sometimes an artist is able to use their platform to help promote change. When done effectively, it brings attention to the topic even though the cost may be an artist’s personal sacrifice. On her latest single, “Love Me For Me,” singer Kim Tavar makes such a sacrifice look and sound easy 

Kim has been a part of the Boston Police Department for twenty years and during that time she has not been afraid to take a stand for the sake of the greater good. From participating in peaceful protests to singing  a captivating version of “America The Beautiful,” Kim has dedicated her life to bringing people together. On her latest offering, she brings a passionate vocal to a ballad that is a throwback to R&B love ballads of the 70s and 80s.  The “love” that Kim is singing about, revolves around the love we should have for everyone, regardless of their race, color, gender or sexual orientation.  As she pleas during the chorus “Love me for me, and not what your eyes wanna see….don’t judge me,”  her soprano delivery is equally desperate and convincing. 

The latest single from Kim’s album My Story, “Love Me For Me” is a song that has the power to unite so many, through both lyrical honesty and performance.  And ending lyric leaves us with the straight forward advice of “we’re all the same, and the world ain’t gonna get no better playing games.”

By Keivu Knox

Kim Tavar – “Love Me For Me”


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