First Listen: Eric Roberson says to “Just Don’t Hold It In”

(October 25, 2023) “Just Don’t Hold It In” is a song about living life to the fullest, and it is performed by a man who has done just that. We know Eric Roberson’s story very well in part because he’s been one of the most loved artists on this site since its inception. Also, Roberson’s story was told in a recent music documentary currently being shown on public television. 

Roberson bet on himself, and he doubled down on that bet when label politics, music trends and his own health made it appear that he held a losing hand. Erro emerged through all those trials in a position to go where his artistic sensibilities and moral compass lead him. Lately Roberson’s artistic muse and moral compass have compelled him to pen tunes that encourage listeners to think big, swing big and be true to themselves.

“Just Don’t Hold It In” is Roberson’s blues/rock entry into this canon. Deploying a voice that moves from R&B smooth to a blues/gospel growl, Roberson dispenses lyrical gems of wisdom that he’s learned from a career balancing the demands of an artist, businessman, husband, and father. Any of those identities would make it easy for Roberson to follow trends rather than blaze an independent path. Yet, he’s succeeded doing it his way and that’s what gives Roberson added credibility when writing and singing songs like “Just Don’t Hold It In.” He lives the life he sings about. Check out “Just Don’t Hold It In” here.

By Howard Dukes

 Eric Roberson – “Just Don’t Hold It In”


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