(September 6, 2018) Daughters. Take if from personal experience, no matter how hard us dads try, more often than not we find ourselves wrapped around their fingers. It’s that instinctual drive to protect, I guess. When these young ladies don’t have us pacing the floor, they’re making us proud.
That pride. That pride might cause some dads to reach for the pictures in the wallet (or the cell phone) or to brag about the baby girl’s latest accomplished. It inspired trumpeter Doug Jackson to create. His latest instrumental, “To My Daughter With Love” from his album Distance and Time is a ballad that features a smooth yet funky bass line and a sparse arrangement that serves as the foundation for some of Jackson’s creative soloing as he moves from full and thick sound to the Harmon muted Miles Davis vibe toward the end.
Jackson is no stranger to SoulTracks. His 2007 album Stowaway introduced listeners to his danceable brand of funk and jazz – a mixture that Jackson branded FUAZZ that produced up-tempo numbers such as the James Brown band inspired “Sassafras Tea.” Jackson shifts it down on “To My Daughter With Love,” but is sweet brand of funk goes down just as easily. Check it out.
By Howard Dukes
Doug Jackson – “To My Daughter With Love”