First Listen: B.Slade is no longer a “Doubtin’ Thomas”

(May 23, 2024) Faith is a noun. Doubt, faith’s opposite can be a noun and a verb. From a religious standpoint, doubt becomes a problem when it moves from being a thing to an active expression of lack of faith or outright disbelief. The most famous example of an active expression of doubt is the Disciple Thomas, who said that he needed to see wounds in Jesus’s hands, feet and side before he believed he had been risen.
B.Slade’s new song “Doubtin’ Thomas” uses the story of history’s most famous skeptic to show how life’s constant struggles can chip away at our faith. The only way to overcome those doubts is to remind yourself of Christ’s faithfulness to us. B.Slade reminds us that bringing the things that God did and continues to do for us is how we transform faith into an action.
B.Slade views “Doubtin’ Thomas” as an inspirational summertime drive anthem. “A gentle reminder to trust in God even in the face of life’s challenges.” And “Doubtin’ Thomas” sports a fusion of R&B, pop and those 808 trap drum beats to ensure that the song’s message of elevating faith over doubts is something fans will enjoy listening to while cruising with the top down. 
Writing and singing about humanity’s  constant struggle between faith and doubt is one reason why B.Slade refers to himself as a Life Artist. “I sing about life in its entirety,” B.Slade says. “This includes the natural and the spiritual, both of which are critical elements in the balance of our character and faith.”
Check out B.Slade’s “Doubtin’ Thomas” here.
By Howard Dukes


"Doubtin' Thomas"


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