First Listen: Bradd Marquis returns to take us “Dancing”


(June 18, 2024) “Dance Amongst the Stars,” the new single by soul man Bradd Marquis, is a tune for couples who like to introduce some ballroom into their dancing. Tango, bopping, or stepping, this is a song that invites two people to get into sync on the dance floor.

The cut has a Latin shuffle melody, Spanish guitars, and African infused percussion that make the “Dance Amongst the Stars” a song that is ideally suited for couples who enjoy clasping hands, placing an arm around a waist or shoulder, and moving and rhythm and twirling the night away on the dance floor.

Lyrically, “Dance Amongst the Stars” lifts dancers above the dance floor and the cares of this life into a galaxy where they are the only two who exist. Marquis has taken on songs made famous by the likes of Bob Dylan and Sam Cooke, and he possesses a rangy and powerful baritone that allows him to do anyone’s catalog justice.

Marquis works magic on this original that he co-wrote with indie soul superstar Deborah Bond and co-produced with newcomer Prosee and Jerry Compere, who has worked with Marquis on numerous projects. On “Dance Amongst the Stars,” Marquis achieves his goal of creating a song that is sensual and danceable while rejecting the overt objectification and sexualization found in a lot of contemporary music. I think you’ll like the change. Check out Bradd Marquis’ “Dance Amongst the Stars” here.

By Howard Dukes

Bradd Marquis

"Dance Amongst The Stars"


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