First Look Video: FE+’s BeMyFiasco tells a gently “moving” story


(April 26, 2022) SoulTrackers have been digging Bianca Rodriguez, AKA BeMyFiasco, as part of the expansive Foreign Exchange team, and helped make her debut album, Where I Left You, a hit. Now she returns with a new video that brings together her storytelling skills with the animation of Tavia McMillan (aka Cryptic Donuts).

“2 Car Garage” tells BeMyFiasco’s real life experience of moving from Dallas to LA, with the sort of mishaps that that kind of experience often brings. She tells it delicately and conversationally, and McMillan’s animation in the accompanying video adds a nice touch.

McMillan says, My approach was somewhat like a story book sort of format, which was something Phonte and I discussed, and I came to really love the idea. I thought it would be fitting for it to have the light-heartedness of shows like ‘Steven Universe’ and ‘Adventure Time’, but also have the uniqueness in style and visual story. Normally, I go through the process of designing the characters first, then storyboarding and timing things out for animation. Once all of this is completed, the bulk of the work is the animation itself and all background details to bring it all together.

Check out “2 Car Garage,” and welcome BeMyFiasco back to SoulTracks.

BeMyFiasco – “2 Car Garage”


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