Featured Album: Son of Pearl gives the goods on “Eclecticism”


MellowFunkIsm.” That’s what singer, songwriter and bass guitarist Tedi “Son of Pearl” Robinson calls his style of music, “where the funk is always mellow, and the rhythm is the ism.”

Tedi has gained a big following among SoulTrackers over the years for a sound that harkens back to the great funk of the 70s and 80s, but brought forward and sounding fresh today. And that is certainly the case with his brand new album, Eclecticism, an ambitious project that draws upon several styles, from R&B to funk to psychedelic rock to mellow soul, and delivers a gem from start to finish.

We’re proud to present Eclecticism as our newest SoulTracks Featured Album. Check out clips below and get deeper into Son of Pearl

Featured Album
Son of Pearl – “Eclecticism”

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