Lost Gem: Alicia Keys & John Mayer Mash Things Up Live

December 12, 2018 – These days, where an artist’s every move appears on Instagram or TMZ, and every bad date or misstep cataloged, we tend to lose focus on the fact that most rose to fame initially because they could actually sing or play an instrument, or both. So it’s refreshing sometimes to see them just enjoying what they do, reveling in the moment of their artistry. 

In October 2016, the soulstress Alicia Keys performed live in Times Square and invited John Mayer to join her onstage for a duet on two of their respective hits, “If I Ain’t Got You” and “Gravity.”  As is the case with many live performances, the artists don’t hit every note, but it doesn’t matter; what’s notable here is how happy they are making music together. Alicia is beaming throughout, the backup singers seem genuinely pleased with how well it’s working, and the crowd is feeling the natural chemistry. Enjoy.

By Robb Patryk


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