First Look Video: Bradd Marquis reminisces on love found with “O U”

(January 30, 2024) Bradd Marquis’ “OU” takes listeners to a specific point in the singer’s life. Marquis uses “OU” to tell the story of when he realized that the search was over and that he had crossed path with the woman that would become his wife.

“OU” finds Marquis combining his soaring, soulful vocals with an upbeat arrangement that fuses elements of funk, afrobeat and a touch of jazz on a song that shows how a man who was singularly focused on self, realized that he needed to broaden his view.

“OU” is confirmation that sometimes the best things come when you are not looking for them. Once that thing crosses your path, the choice becomes whether you will act on what you see and what you feel. Marquis became a man of action and found the love of his life. He also wrote a good song that will be featured on his upcoming EP I Choose You.

Check out the new official video for Bradd Marquis’ “OU” here.

By Howard Dukes

Bradd Marquis – “O U”


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