First Listen: Son of Pearl gives a present of love for the holidays

(December 10, 2023) You can make an argument that Christmas is the most romantic holiday on the calendar. Yes, Valentine’s Day is the day when people buy flowers, cards, candy and jewelry for their significant other and those with whom they want to cuff. However, Christmas isn’t just a holiday for the kiddies. It’s also a time for lovers.

Valentine’s Day has hearts. Christmas has mistletoe, and everyone knows what happens if they find themselves standing under the mistletoe, which makes that location the perfect place to slip an engagement ring on someone’s finger.

And there is no shortage of holiday music to serve as the soundtrack for Christmas romance. Son of Pearl, the funky guitar man, adds to that playlist on his holiday album, It’s Christmas @ 1047 Mercedes. The project includes the song “Let Me Be Your Present,” a funky and sensual cut perfectly suited for that time when the kids are asleep, the presents are wrapped and under the tree.

Check it out here.

By Howard Dukes

Son of Pearl – “Let Me Be Your Present”


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