First Listen: Miki Howard is your “Number One Fan”


(December 15, 2022) Sometimes we need to know that someone has our backs and that there is one person in this cold, cruel world who believes in us. In short, we all need to know that someone out there is our number 1 fan – that there is someone among the roaring masses in the arena that is yelling their lungs out for us when everyone else is booing and hurling insults. That person might be a parent or a sibling or a spouse or a coach and they are the ones who know just what to say to keep us in the race.

That is the sentiment that Miki Howard – who has thousands of number 1 fans – beautifully expresses in her latest single – aptly titled “Number One Fan.” Accompanied mainly by piano, the tune has the intimate feel of Howard singing a lullaby of encouragement into the ear of someone whom she loves and supports unconditionally. Howard draws on sports imagery – casting herself as a coach or teammate on the sidelines or a fan in the bleachers, who is always ready with a word of advice or upliftment.

The years have blessed Howard with depth at the bottom of her vocal range, and she still has the range to soar into the rarified air, seemingly at the drop of hat. She uses her vocal instrument to gift us with this stirring anthem of unwavering love and support.

By Howard Dukes

Miki Howard – “Number One Fan”


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