First Listen: Iyamah recalls Badu vibe on “8 of Swords”

(April 22, 2024) All of the songs on In Two Worlds, the very good album by Iyamah, the Brighton born-London based singer/songwriter, were inspired by a Tarot card reading. “8 of Swords,” the song featured in this First Listen, draws its inspiration from the first card that Iyamah pulled. The picture on the card showed a woman bound by ropes and chains standing in front of eight swords. A castle was in the background.

The song is a vivid telling of the constant battle people wage between going for their dreams and being practical. Iyamah has a voice that is comforting and conversational and it draws the listener in. She sings about the voice that is constantly telling us to manage expectations and compromise our dreams and passions and take the safe play which is to go along to get along. Put your head down and get through it.

So, looking at the tarot card, Iyamah knows that she needs to cut the fetters to keep her from getting to that castle in the distance. The song changes tempo a little more than halfway through, and that slowed down grinding pace symbolizes the struggle balance practicality with idealism.

In Two Worlds is a solid record filled with imaginative tunes that finds her addressing her relationship with her past and the impact it has on her current relationships. Check out “8 of Swords” here.

By Howard Dukes 


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