Choice Cut: Fred Reed feels that “Tug of War”


Singer and songwriter Fred Reed is a man who is invested in the things he cares about. First and foremost is his community of Wilmington, Delaware, where he has dedicated himself to helping the children of the community, resulting in multiple local awards. Fred’s other love is music, and he has nearly two decades of making it the right way, opening for many of the great R&B names of our time.

Fred Reed is finishing his new album Lovesided, a refreshing new disc filled with old school harmonies and sensibilities. And his first single from the project gives a great sense of what he brings to the table.

“Tug of War” is the confession of a man who is struggling in a relationship, not knowing what his woman is thinking and wondering if they’re headed in the right direction. It is a soulful ballad with a great accompanying video. Check out “Tug of War” below, and welcome Fred Reed to SoulTracks.

By Chris Rizik

Fred Reed – “Tug of War”


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