First Listen: Davonne D’Neil feels “Like a Big Boss”


(July 11, 2022) It’s a toss-up to guess where you’re reading this from — dodging storms in the Midwest, broiling in place if you’re down South, or experiencing a cloudy, breezy day in-between — but no matter where you are, Summer is here and there’s nothing like a chilled spot or even some chilled vocals to take the edge off. That’s the vibe Maryland native and burgeoning soul artist Davonne D’Neil is giving with her latest single from After the Let Out, “Like a Big Boss.” 

Hailing from Annapolis and cultivating her gift of song within a musical family and multiple church choirs, Davonne has spent over half her life honing her performance prowess and earning fans that crave her engaging approach to contemporary soul. Nearly anyone can wax rhapsody about their potential boo or a romance gone wrong, but “Big Boss” is a sultrily-delivered self-care anthem that tells you exactly how she rolls and what you have to offer to qualify sharing her space: “Grown man, cognac, two words: ‘be back.’….If I’m ‘too much,’ you’re probably not enough….in the soles of my shoes I got rhythm and blues….changing the mood when I want to, I am the groove and the moment.” 

Just a hint of what her appeal is, the “Like a Big Boss” is a smoky, supple way to wind down a busy day, ease into a fun night, or a reminder of just how fly you are, no matter how the weather happens to hit.   

By Melody Charles

 Davonne D’Neil – “Like A Big Boss”


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