Featured Album: Jonas mines soulful gems from the vault


We’ve been fans of “The Godfather of Scandinavian Soul” for a long time now, and it is always a big deal for us when Jonas releases new music – which, by the way, is not often enough for our taste.

More than a decade ago, Jonas teamed with multi-instrumentalist and producer The Scratch Professer (who also happens to the brother of soul music legend Omar) for the critically acclaimed album W.A.I.T.T. which we recommended highly to SoulTrackers. But it turns out there were some songs from those sessions that stayed in the vault…until now.

The new EP 4ward Fast To Future includes four songs written during that fruitful period that have never been previously released. Jonas has spent his time in quarantine recording, mixing and mastering, and the result is a short but powerful collection that shows an artist at his creative peak.

We’re proud to present 4ward Fast to Future as our newest SoulTracks Featured Album. We think SoulTrackers will enjoy this as much as we are. Check it out below and tell us what you think!

Jonas and Scratch Professer
4ward Fast to Future

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