World Premiere Video: Avery*Sunshine and her daughter deliver a smooth groove


(April 26, 2023) Music has long been a family affair for SoulTracks favorite Avery*Sunshine. The Chester, Pa. born, and Atlanta based singer, keyboardist, and songwriter successful professional and artistic relationship with guitarist Dana “Big Dane” Johnson became a true familial relationship when the two got married several years ago.

Theirs is a blended family and Avery*Sunshine’s children have reached or are nearing adulthood, and so have developed their own voices. SoulTrackers will hear the voice of one of Avery’s children, her daughter who goes by the name of DrewTheRew, on artist’s latest single “W8.”

Fans will quickly realize that the vocal apple did not fall far from the tree. DrewTheRew’s vocal instrument is a little higher and softer than that of her mother, so they sound distinct in that respect. However, the precise phrasing and honesty that has been an Avery*Sunshine trademark since she came on the scene can also be heard in her daughter’s voice.

The pensive and percussive soulful/funk of “W8” gives the two vocalists ample room to operate. Gliding seamlessly over a blues/funk riff, percussion, and a smooth bass line, “W8” is a song that plays on waiting – as in taking a step back to reflect, pray or even relax – to avoid buckling under the weight of our responsibilities, personal struggles, and social upheavals. It’s a good song with a timely message, and we’re proud to present the World Premiere of the accompanying video. Check It out here.

By Howard Dukes

World Premiere Video
Avery*Sunshine and DrewTheRew
– “W8”


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