Skip to the next song, please…

SoulTrackers had a lot to say about our recent article that talked about the way music listening is changing. Chris wrote (somewhat wistfully) about the decline of physical music and music ownership, and the meteoric rise of streaming services such as Spotify and Pandora.

And a recent article sent to us by SoulTracker Colleen showed that our change from old school “physical” listening to new school digital music has also changed our patience when we’re listening to music. How often do we listen to an entire song now vs. “skipping” to the next song? The results were shocking.  Nearly half the time, Spotify listeners do not finish a song before skipping to the next song. As you could expect, the “skipping” rates are higher for impatient young listeners, but are still quite high among all groups.

Here is a chart from the article showing how quickly and often listeners skipped out of the song the were listening to:

With the ability to skip songs being so easy, what does this do to music discovery? Does this limit our patience to hear new music or more unique, challenging music?  Are you a “skipper” or a completist?

What do you think?






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