[Publisher’s Note: SoulTracks contributing writer Robb Patryk has put together his faves so far for 2023]
June 24, 2023 – Billboard reported earlier this year that in excess of 100,000 new tracks are uploaded collectively to Spotify and SoundCloud every day. That’s insane, frankly, and there is no music critic or fan who can possibly keep up with this constant deluge of new music! That said, I’ve tried my best to sort through the noise and identify the tracks released thus far this year that SoulTrackers may find compelling.
As has been the case the last 6 years I’ve curated a mid-year playlist for this site, 90 percent of the tracks fall in the sweet spot of R&B/soul, with the balance traveling in another, parallel groove that may please your ears. The tracks are in no particular order and are not “ranked,” but I’ll note that everything Victoria Monét has released lately is superb, and Musiq’s track is probably that which I’ve played more than any other. Enjoy.
By Robb Patryk