Augie Johnson’s family works to keep his legacy alive


Last October, we sadly reported to SoulTrackers the death of the great Augie JohnsonThis great artist was best known for his leadership of the group Side Effect, but was also instrumental in hits of many other artists ranging from Michael Jackson to Boz Scaggs.

Well, Mr. Johnson may be gone, but his legacy lives on through the work of his family. Here is a letter to SoulTrackers from Augie’s daughter that tells about some of the plans going forward. We hope you’ll check it out as they continue to develop the tribute to this all-time great.

Hello to all the Soul Tracks readers,

I am the daughter of the late Augie Johnson, founder and leader of the group Side Effect. I invite all of you to come and visit Augie Johnson’s LLC website now on the World Wide Web. My father’s fiancée Cat Le Dey, and I are continuing his vision by giving back to the world the various things that my father enjoyed doing. The website will house all information regarding upcoming events, spotlight artist, online store, and much more.

We thank each and every one of you for your heartfelt support in the passing of my father and we look forward to continuing bringing you the best of Augie Johnson’s world.

As my dad would say keep that same old feeling!

Tishema N. Cromwell

Augie Johnson’s LLC

Publisher’s note: The Foundation website is now live at

Check out Augie’s website and “Like” him on Facebook

Update: There is now a Pandora station with Augie’s music at

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