New DVD set gives helpful information to independent musicians

aneelCalifornia-based singer Aneel Robinson has experienced the challenges of trying to manage his career as an independent artist, from bookings to CD distribution to marketing and financial challenges.  So he decided to take his experiences and the experiences of 20 experts in various areas of music and to create a resource for independent artists, the new instructional DVD collection 411 on The Independent Music Movement.

"I love music, it’s what I was born for," says Aneel. "The problem is so many indies pursue getting a contract.  What they don’t realize is they’ll spend a ton of money trying to win that contract, and even if they land one, they’ll spend their own money producing an album.  Overall, if they break even, that’s doing pretty good."

Aneel realized the issue wasn’t a lack of talent, but rather that most indies don’t know about business.   "So I contacted experts who could help independent musicians improve their business skills."   Aneel found 20 "coaches" on topics including international distribution, taxes, website marketing and entertainment law.  Those interviews are the heart of 411, a 3DVD set.  The collection also includes a copy of the Indie Bible, a resource that includes thousands of industry contacts.

411 is another worthwhile resource for independent artists.  411 on The Independent Music Movement can be viewed or purchased at



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