The Beauty Created (2009)


Its embarrassingly odd for us to have one of the best releases of 2009 go unacknowledged on our site, but somehow we managed to pull this neglect off (we’re that busy, I swear!). Worthily nominated as this year’s SoulTracks Readers’ Choice Award’s Best New Artist, Jesse Boykins III’s first full-length project, The Beauty Created, is a promise fulfilled. With strong vocals and esoteric songwriting, his debut EP, Dopamine, offered plenty of hope for Boykins’ future. Dopamine‘s progressive soul treasures of afro-beat and acid jazz meets trance and pure soul were a sonic bouquet, but its loosely structured songs lacked radio appeal outside of the minor hit single, "Tabloids." Some youngin’ must have been listening and reading, because the then 23-year old soulster returned from his NYC studio with a bevy of radio-ready cuts, including the lead single, "Pantyhouse," a commercial jam that stayed true to the liberated vibes that moved Boykin’s sonorous voice. While I’m no fan of "Panythouse," whose repetitious hook too quickly grates for "muah," The Beauty Created boasts plenty of other zenith quality songs to sell out of these highly creative crates, including the golden ballad "SunStar" and the early Isleyesque un-dresser, "Come To My Room." Lovers of layered Bilal harmonies will appreciate "Trust" and the midnight love of "Amorous." A forward-thinking soulman, the sexual seduction of his audience is Jesse Boykins’ game. Listening to The Beauty Created, you’ll find this milk-wet rookie has one mean jumpshot.

Notable songs: "Sunstar," "Be All Truth," "Come To My Room," "Trust," and "Shine"

Vocals: 3.0
Music: 4.0
Lyrics: 3.0
Production: 4.0
SoulTrack’s Call: Highly Recommended

By L. Michael Gipson

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