Inspired by the video web series ‘120 seconds’ on friends we Love produced by DJ Moni and Mike Vargas, Efficacy is a web series created by The Bloom Effect’s Fiona Bloom. The goal of Efficacy is to capture the in depth character of immensely talented artists you may not know. It gives viewers a deeper lens into their lifestyle and history. The series will feature unusual, creative arrangements, camera effects and graphics designed by the artists. You’ll learn something new about the artists and will enjoy it too! You can see more episodes at the Bloom Effect Channel.
Efficacy series continues with Episode 42, Yvette Rovira.
It would have been no surprise if Yvette Rovira’s musical talents had gone
undiscovered. Raised in a family that was more focused on the sciences than
the arts – both her mother and only brother are engineers – a career in
music might have seemed unlikely. But as is the case with those to whom the
artistic muse whispers too loudly to be ignored, Rovira was taking vocal
lessons by the time she was eight years old, setting out from there on a
path that would lead her from her native Florida to a degree in songwriting
from Boston’s Berklee School of Music, and eventually to New York City,
where she’s just released her new CD Yvette Rovira. Visit to find out more.