First Listen: Vintage Trouble won’t “Stop Forever”


(February 25, 2019) The four piece band Vintage Trouble has been winning over rock, pop and soul fans for nearly a decade, gaining a large following in the process – even if those fans have often had to wait years between projects.

Last Fall, VT pleased their longtime fans and won some new ones with Chapter Two – EP 1, a terrific project that was all meat, no filler, featuring a handful of songs, each of which had the kind of classic sound that could’ve been a hit any time in the past forty years. We were completely taken by “Keep On Rollin” and “Do Me Right,” and got even more excited when we heard that a follow up, EP 2, was coming this Spring.

Well, the band is getting us ready for the new EP with the single “Don’t Stop Forever,” a midtempo number that harkens back to the pop/soul sounds of the 70s. With lead vocalist Ty Taylor delivering the soft vocals in front of Nalle Colt (guitar), Rick Barrio Dill (bass), and Richard Danielson (drums), the song glides beautifully at the border of Yacht Rock and R&B Quiet Storm. 

“Don’t Stop Forever” is keeping us warm while we wait for the new EP. Check it out below and get ready for more Trouble.

By Chris Rizik

Vintage Trouble – “Don’t Stop Forever”


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