First Listen: Teri Tobin says love is a “Four Letter Word”


(February 20, 2023) Teri Tobin’s new song, “Four Letter Word,” captures an essential truth about love. The concept of love doesn’t mean anything until something – or someone – gives that four-letter word meaning. And then it means everything.

The dreamy ballad finds Tobin using her angelic vocals to tell how the right man changed the word love –  and the concept of love – from a four-letter word that in those low and lonely moments in a person’s life can have the same sting as George Carlin’s seven dirty words, to a word that is transformational, profound and life changing.

Tobin dropped the tune around Valentine’s Day, which is pretty good timing for a few reasons. Tobin is a Valentine Day baby, which probably explains why she excels in singing songs of love and romance.

“Four Letter Word” can be aspirational for those who are still looking for that special someone because it eloquently details what a person is supposed to feel when they find true love. And for the fortunate ones who have the total package, “Four Letter Word” finds Tobin singing your thoughts, emotions, and sensations. Check out Teri Tobin’s “Four Letter Words” here.

By Howard Dukes


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