(August 23, 2022) Tenille Ja’Nae’s “Notifications” is a song that shows the impact of allowing someone to live rent free in your mind. Usually, the person set up in your consciousness is no longer flesh and blood presence in your life, but it’s often been noted that moving on is easier said than done.
“Notifications” illustrates just how hard that can be, both through the lyrics that Ja’Nae penned and the creative accompany video that she cut to coincide with the tune’s Aug. 19 release. That video shows the artist on the set of what should be the highlight of her professional career – a promotional photo or video shoot. Yet Ja’Nae is so obsessed by texts that she is receiving that the photographer and makeup artists can’t do their jobs – no matter how hard they try.
The story that Ja’Nae tells makes “Notifications” relatable, and that is something that the singer understands from observation and personal experience:
“As much as you try to move on, and forget about this person, minding your own business. You look up, you hear something about this person, you run into this person, it seems you just can’t get away from this person, it seems to make the process of moving on that much harder. You start second guessing, did I do the right thing by letting go, though I know it wasn’t working? Well, that’s how “Notifications” came about.”
Check out Tenille Ja’Nae’s “Notifications” here.
By Howard Dukes
Tenille Ja’Nae – “Notifications’