(July 14, 2020) Sir Darryl Farris is doing pretty good for a guy who initially put up barriers to going into the family business. His mother, brothers and a cousin have all made an imprint in the industry and the artist known as SiR wanted no part of it. The resistance eventually subsided and music fans have been treated to a performer who can lend his silky smooth vocals and range to ballads such as “The Recipe” or harder hitting hip-hop influenced R&B. He is equally fluent in both musical styles.
However his studio performance of “The Recipe,” which was filmed as a part of Vevo’s Original Content Series, Ctrl.At.Home , is the focus of this First Listen. SiR sits in his on a stool posted in the middle a studio and sings over an instrumental track of “The Recipe.” The setting is good for the laid back and jazzy tune and, although having the players on those instruments and backing vocals lined up in front of a wall would have made this perfect, we know why that can’t happen. Anyway, “The Recipe” is a good song and Vevo’s series is another way to make our isolated existence seem a little bit less so. Check it out here.
By Howard Dukes
SiR – “The Recipe” (Live)