(December 10, 2024) Love is in short supply in our world, or at least it seems that way. Hatred, discord and dysfunction seem to be constantly rewarded to the point that people who talk about love are viewed as being hopelessly naïve and out of touch. It’s that view that inspired singer Rahbi’s latest single “Change.”
Rahbi co-wrote “Change” with Donnie, whose album The Colored Section is a classic, and Rahbi acknowledges that “Change” is his rebuttal to the current cultural and political climate:
“Somebody has to go hard for love. There are so many people going hard for money, sex, fame, drugs, power, and material gain. The truth is everyone wants to be loved—even the toughest people. Often, they became that way from a lack of love. Love is the miracle that sets us free: love for God, for ourselves, and for others. It’s the foundation of our being and the heartbeat of this planet—God’s true reflection.”
“Change” is anthem propelled by the lyrics that are vivid and inspired greatly by the oratory Rahbi heard in his grandfather’s Atlanta based church, as well as Rahbi’s power packed vocals that move seamlessly from tenor to falsetto. Check out “Change,” Rahbi’s call for love and healing, here.
By Howard Dukes