First Listen: Nate Williams captures Stevie vibe on great new single


(September 20, 2020) I remember speaking to the leader of one of the top soul vocal groups of the 1970s, and when I asked about his group’s success, he said, “Some artists are innovators. That’s not us.” His point was that for every Sly Stone or Prince, there are hundreds of talented artists who thrive by being very good at writing and performing while generally following the genre-bending innovations of others.

Welsh singer and songwriter Nate Williams fits into that category. We first heard him nearly a decade ago, when he caught our attention with his keen sense of melody and accessibility, delivering a brand of soul that was both reminiscent of Michael Jackson and thoroughly enjoyable in its own right.

If Jackson was his influence then, Williams is feeling a strong sense of Stevie Wonder on “Try As I Might,” the single from his brand new album Time To Say Goodbye. The midtempo number is an absolute earworm, feeling fresh even as it captures mid-70s Wonder oeuvre.

Williams continues to be an artist who, while not groundbreaking, is consistently a joy to hear. The whole new album, and “Try As I Might” in particular, are just the latest examples of his gift. Check it out below.

By Chris Rizik

Nate Williams
“Try As I Might”


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