First Listen: Manuela Panizzo won’t be “Tamed”


(June 8, 2019) One definition of passionate is “showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief.” Often when we think of passion, it is viewed as being connected to romance but separated from intellect. However, the singer Manuela Panizzo describes “Tamed,” her latest single as “intellectual, passionate and romantic, just as I am as a person.”

Panizzo definitely has no problem declaring what she wants in a lover on this ballad. “It’s not a savior that I seek, but an equal to me. Someone to help me carry the burden of being human,” Panizzo sings in the hook. The song’s total arrangement backs up the songs message of how individuals can be stronger together when they know what they bring to the table and throw themselves fully into the project of making it work together.

“Tamed” sports an arrangement in which every individual element asserts itself fully: from the tracks strong and declarative lyrics, to Panizzo’s distinct vocals and jazz influenced phrasing, to the backing vocals this interchange between call and response with the lead, to vocalizing along with the melody, to powerful foundation laid by the rhythm section and creative improvisation on trumpet and sax. The sum of equal parts add up to an excellent whole. Check it out here.

By Howard Dukes

Manuela Panizzo – “Tamed”


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