First Listen: Kim Tavares is “Tired” of the drama


(May 10, 2022) Kim Tavares is a 20 year veteran of the Boston Police Department, and this gifted woman has a wonderful singing voice. “The Singing Policewoman,” as she is known, has performed The National Anthem prior to games for the Patriots, Red Sox and Celtics, and a video of her singing “God Bless America” in her squad car went viral.

Since Tavares is a police officer, she also knows how to gather evidence to make a case, something that she does on her latest song and accompanying video, “Tired (Do You Hear Me).” Tavares lends her seductive vocals to a song that find her calling her soon to be ex to tell him that their relationship has reached the end of the road.

Joe Friday just gave the facts on the TV show “Dragnet,” but he never sounded as sweet as Tavares does when she presents the evidence of the many ways that his commitment to the relationship never matched what she put into making things work. Eventually, the burden of being in an uneven relationship wears on you, and choices must be made. Check out Kim Tavares’ “Tired (Do You Hear Me)” here.

By Howard Dukes

Kim Tavares – “Tired (Do You Hear Me)”


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