First Listen: Kathy Kosins “Won’t Look Away” again


(March 28, 2023) When an artist is in the midst of a successful run, it can be easy for her to continue to work the formula to try and keep the ball rolling. Changing directions for some can be jarring and perhaps scary. Kathy Kosins has enjoyed the fruits of her midtempo and uptempo releases in the last few years, which have netted her various awards. And her latest single, “Won’t Look Away,” while somewhat deviating musically from her recent output, is a song that will undoubtedly be the next chart-topping single in her cannon.

While songs like “From A 2 B,” “Gotta Pinch Myself” and “Let’s Rewind” had more of a tempo-focused vibe, “Won’t Look Away” is a ballad that allows Kosins to really grab the lyric and melody, resulting in a display of confidence that only enhances the allure of the song. “Won’t Look Away” speaks of the need for humanity and empathy for each other. Kosins states that this song has an importance in our society as we continue to evolve in this post-COVID world.  As she sings such a poignant lyric of “How do you turn away from blindness? Follow the road that leads to kindness…” the message of being accountable to each other is evident. 

Already closing in on the top spot on the UK Soul Breakers Chart, “Won’t Look Away” is the latest reminder by Kathy Kosins that her ability to vocally deliver over a memorable melody is not only needed, but appreciated.

By Keivu Knox


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