On May 15, Soul Tracks favorite and two-time Grammy nominated soul man Ryan Shaw will release Real Love, the follow-up to his terrific debut album This Is Ryan Shaw. The New York-based singer blew us away last time with his killer vocals and his updated old school soul sound.
We’ve been waiting for this new album for awhile, and we’re very happy to have the first song from that album, “Karina,” as our newest First Listen. Check it out below and tell us what you think!
Produced by veteran Jimmy Bralower (Eric Clapton, Hall & Oates) and Johnny Gale (Ronnie Spector), each song on Real Love explores a different side of love, from the emotional to the spiritual. The horn blasts and gospel hollers on “Karina” envelops take-me-back heartbreak through the church choir, while the Jerry Ragovoy gem “You Don’t Know Nothing About Love” delivers goose bump-inducing vocal gymnastics. Guest appearances by Robert Randolph, Al Kooper, and the Soul Survivors help cook up what Ryan calls “a gumbo infused with soul, rock and two tablespoons of gospel.” Full tracklist below.
Track Listing:
1. Real Love
2. Karina
3. Can’t Hear the Music
4. You Don’t Know Nothing About Love
5. Evermore
6. Gone Gone Gone
7. That Is Why
8. Yesterday
9. In Between
10. Blackmail
11. The Wrong Man
12. Morning Noon & Night
Photo credit: Carol Friedman
Ryan Shaw on the Web:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ryan-Shaw/5685877799
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/thisisryanshaw
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RyanShawIsYourMan
Artist Website: https://www.thisisryanshaw.com/