(May 1, 2023) “When Love Comes In,” Jonathan Butler’s latest song that sees the legendary South African singer and songwriter paired with American blues legend Keb Mo, sounds like it comes from another time. Yet, the tune also manages to sound timely.
The number that has the grittiness of the blues and the righteous indignation of gospel just like civil rights era anthems like “People Get Ready” and “A Change is Gonna Come.” Lyrically, the song takes listeners from dank and cold jail cells to mass rallies and protest marches men from Butler’s generation in South Africa and the United States occupied and trod during our long and incomplete stride toward freedom.
Butler lived under a racist system called apartheid when his breakout album dropped in 1987. At that time, the keepers of that regime were still trying to negotiate the price of apartheid’s funeral. “When Love Comes In” contains an eternal message expressed by the Rev. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela that the oppressed should adopt the ways and means of your oppressors.
Butler is the perfect musical vehicle for this message, as he has spoken powerfully about the anger he carried as a young man.
The tune, which is the lead track from Butler’s new album Ubuntu, and that album has an all-star cast. In addition to Keb Mo, artists such as bassist Marcus Miller and Stevie Wonder participate.
Sadly, songs such like “When Love Comes In” are still needed and relevant years after the civil rights battle in the United States and South Africa, but the road to true justice is not linear. Butler and Keb Mo provide us with an eloquent reminder not to become what we fight against during our long march to justice. Check out “When Love Comes In” here.
By Howard Dukes
Jonathan Butler feat. Keb’ Mo’
“When Love Comes In”