First Listen: Darryl Johnson helps Geoff Sturre bring new life to Luther classic


(February 20, 2023) A major component of Luther Vandross’s greatness stemmed from his ability to make cover versions that were more recognizable than the original. Luther showcased that ability on his first solo album with his stunning remake of “A House is Not a Home.” Vandross’s version is soulful and so painfully vulnerable and honest that for some music fans it – and not the Burt Bacharach, composed, Hal David written, and Dionne Warwick sung original – stands as the definitive version.

Luther’s catalog of original music contains plenty of songs that vocalists would want to cover but remaking a Vandross song can be daunting – almost like stepping on sacred ground. Fans of the late soul singer are defensive of his songbook. Darryl Johnson and DJ/producer Geoff Sturre not only decided to reinterpret a Vandross song, but the duo also dove into the deep waters by remaking Luther’s first big solo hit, 1981’s “Never Too Much.”

The Johnson/Sturre collaboration manages to capture the vocal sensibilities of the original while giving this classic tune a distinct sound. Johnson’s vocal displays similar range and phrasing to Vandross on a song that is challenging to sing. Sturre’s arrangement transforms Vandross’s mid-tempo ode to giving oneself totally into that special person into an up-tempo dance/funk number. Check out their collaboration on “Never Too Much” here.

By Howard Dukes

Geoff Sturre feat. Darryl Johnson
“Never Too Much”

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