World Premiere: Cleveland P. Jones wants you to “Listen Here”


(July 27, 2018) There aren’t many singers out there who can take over a song or a room like Cleveland P. Jones. The biggest problem we have with the man with the golden tenor voice is that we just don’t hear him enough.

Our wait will end soon, with the upcoming September release of his sophomore album, Love & Humanity. The 12 song collection will fuse a number of genres, and will be a most personal album, as Cleveland has painstakingly decided to bare his truth for all willing to listen and feel. 

And as we anxiously await the new disc, Cleveland has shared with us one of the catalyst songs of the project, “Listen Here.” With a message that calls for the unity we crave, it is a song for our times. As he describes the number for us, “I was convicted when I saw the Netflix documentary of Nina Simone’s life. To paraphrase, she stated, ‘You can’t call yourself an artist and not write about the times.’  I knew I had to come from under my shell and do something to at least get all humans to think about what we MUST do to finally put a stop to all the negative ‘isms’ we encounter daily. So, here it is…a simple melody, a simple hook filled with tons of hope for a better world.”

That’s definitely a message we can buy into. And it is a song that lives up to our anticipation. Check out “Listen Here” below and welcome back Cleveland P. Jones to SoulTracks.

By Chris Rizik

World Premiere!
Cleveland P. Jones – “Listen Here”


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