Efficacy Interview: Wayna

fiona bloomInspired by the video web series ‘120 seconds’ on friends we Love https://www.friendswelove.com/ produced by DJ Moni and Mike Vargas, Efficacy is a web series created by The Bloom Effect’s efficacyFiona Bloom. The goal of Efficacy is to capture the in depth character of immensely talented artists you may not know. It gives viewers a deeper lens into their lifestyle and history. The series will feature unusual, creative arrangements, camera effects and graphics designed by the artists. You’ll learn something new about the artists and will enjoy it too! You can see more episodes at the Bloom Effect Channel.


Ethiopian born singer/songwriter Wayna has many gifts…A haunting voice, a knack for crafting beautiful songs and she’s an inspiration to all.

Her third album ‘The Expats’ is a journey into discovering and exploring Wayna’s roots, alongside melding and mixing different sounds and cultures. It’s pure, honest and resonates with just about anyone who loves music.

Here, we get to know Wayna behind her music, hear her story, her personality and share her talents.

Check her out at:

@Waynamusic on Twitter
@Waynamusic on Instagram

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