Inspired by the video web series ‘120 seconds’ on friends we Love produced by DJ Moni and Mike Vargas, Efficacy is a web series created by The Bloom Effect’s Fiona Bloom. The goal of Efficacy is to capture the in depth character of immensely talented artists you may not know. It gives viewers a deeper lens into their lifestyle and history. The series will feature unusual, creative arrangements, camera effects and graphics designed by the artists. You’ll learn something new about the artists and will enjoy it too! You can see more episodes at the Bloom Effect Channel.
Efficacy Episode 62 brings Kokayi (Carl Walker) – a Grammy-nominated
singer/songwriter, emcee, producer, educator, husband and father.
Responsible for both Wayna’s “Moonlight Rendezvous”(7 consecutive weeks on
Billboard’s Top 10 R&B/Hip Hop Singles & 100 Hot Singles Sales) and co
producing her Grammy nominated song “Loving You (Music)”. Kokayi
collaborated with Goodwill to produce “Dream Without Boundaries” all
proceeds of which went to Goodwill. Currently he has produced songs for and
performed on Tabi Bonney’s forthcoming opus “Fresh”, works with the
Washington based youth organization, Words, Beats and Life, continues to
write new music and just released his newest full length entitled Robots and
Dinosaurs (QN5) which is available at