Choice Cut: Will Preston gives us a ride on “Merry Go Round”

Atlanta-based singer and songwriter Will Preston has taken the slow and steady path to success. But it seems that that he’s upshifted over the past few years, with a series of singles that not only show his growth as a vocalist, but also as a perceptive lyricist who uses his unique perspective to describe complicated personal relationships.

That growth continues with Will’s newest single, “Merry Go Round.” The song compares the prototypical playground ride to a romantic relationship that is both irresistible and toxic, moving into negative, seemingly endless cycle: “It’s insane. We know the problem, but we just don’t seem to care.”

Musically, “Merry Go Round” boasts an imposing backdrop behind Will’s expressive vocals, giving even more power to a song that is both relatable and formidable.

Check out “Merry Go Round” below. It is our newest SoulTracks Choice Cut.

By Chris Rizik

Will Preston

"Merry Go Round"


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