Choice Cut: Walter Beasley and Rebecca Jade deliver a beautiful “Dance”


It is one of those classic American pop/soul songs that is so beautiful it returns to our consciousnesses every few years. “Do You Want To Dance” was first recorded by soul singer Bobby Freeman in 1958, and it has returned over the years with dozens of versions, including charters by The Beach Boys, Cliff Richard and Bette Midler.

But in all those years, we’re not sure we’ve heard a cover of “Do You Want To Dance” that we’ve enjoyed more than the sultry new nighttime jam by legendary saxman and singer Walter Beasley with the help of Rebecca Jade — which even surpasses Beasley’s popular 1998 jazzy version of the song.

Beginning quietly was a smooth sax solo, “Do You Want To Dance” takes its time, allowing Beasley to caress the song with his gentle tenor voice, while Jade keeps her background vocals light, maintaining the romantic vibe of the affair throughout. The result is a tremendous cut that virtually demands that you hold that someone you love closely on the dancefloor.

We’re proud to make “Do You Want To Dance” our SoulTracks Choice Cut for June. Check out this smooth masterpiece below.

Walter Beasley feat. Rebecca Jade
“Do You Want To Dance” (Walter’s Version)


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