Avery Dey Interview: Reaching New Heights with recording artist, Dionne

Adult contemporary recording artist, songwriter and producer, Dionne Kirby (musically known as Dionne) is definitely a star in the making.  With her new CD, Helium dropping Friday, June 27th  is one that definitely should be on your list of music purchases this summer.  Each track presents the essence of positivity, self-empowerment, and the continuous chill vibe.  Working with heavy hitter producers: Ty Macklin and David P. Stevens, it’s no surprise that grooves like “Swim Around” and “Love You” are like enticing magnets to your ear drum.  These along with her other songs, will provide the fans with a taste of her musical journey.  But, what good is it to know about her quest without the person?  Here, allow me to share with you the evolution of this beautiful spirit, Dionne.

AD:  Hello Dionne, it’s so nice to meet you.

Dionne:  Thank you, nice to meet you as well.

AD:  So I’m going to jump right to it.  Who is Dionne?

Dionne:  Well, I grew up in Dallas; and I’ve always had 2 sides of me: the “artsy” side and the acting side as well.  I’ve always been committed to youth and kids and teaching in one capacity or another.  My actual dream job was here in DC working within a non-profit organization and working with youth in arts and academics.  It was the best of both worlds.  I had the honor of attending The Arts Magnet School of Dallas from middle school and beyond; and really wanted to go to college and have a secure job. 

So that’s what I did.  I majored in education and focused on that for a long time but the desire for music never went away.  I had to really look back and think about why I didn’t pursue music.  I went to that place of searching within myself.  I was looking at my character trying to become better from the inside out.  It was at that time I was saying to myself ”oh you don’t want to pursue music, because you don’t want to be broke”. That was what I related music to, and that was the fear I had to let go of.  So I had to figure out how to continue to pursue this and not let that part of myself die or go away. 

In 2010 when I put my first CD out, I was at work one day and I said to myself “you know what, I’m going to go to the studio record a song and see what happens.” I wrote my own lyrics and melody in the studio.  A few months later, I ended up with 3 songs.  I was like “hmm I like my writing but the hate the music. Ok so I’m going to do this again but let the producers/masters do their musical part and me the medley.  And that’s what came out of it.

AD:  Wow!!

Dionne:  This whole journey has been about me embracing my whole self and not deciding what it’s going to be, and allowing life to unfold on its own.  I just have to let go, be me, and allow the journey to show me what it’s supposed to be.  Just letting go.

AD:  That’s brave and that’s faith; and I hear that in your music.  I find your music to be refreshing and you don’t sound like anyone.

Dionne: Laughing hysterically

AD:  No, no I’m serious.  I love that because your voice/sound to me is original; because you know when an artist comes onto the scene; and people tend to say “well you sound like “Vivian Green or so and so”.  Not saying that’s bad but I’m sure some artists ask “but what about me? What do I sound like to you without some type of comparison.”  That’s why I like your project because I can focus more on the words, the medley, how everything comes together with your voice. 

Dionne:  Why thank you.

AD:  Yes!  And let me tell you what my favorite songs are and I just heard the CD today!  I think its majority of the CD.

AD & Dionne:  Both of us laughing hysterically

AD:  No, no it’s true because when I look at the song list, I’m like damn, only the remixes are left.  So I pretty much like the entire project.   The songs I like are:  “Swim Along”, “Real”, “Move” – the words on this song…. “Ooo wee!”, “Sunlight”, “Fully” and then there’s….. “Boomerang” (now I’m waving my hand in the air with a smile)

Dionne: (Laughing hysterically and smiling)

AD:  Sista girl, you went and got a little house music vibe on me, and then went a little 70’s on me, and then brought it back to house.  Love that! Just love that!  I didn’t know if that was your intention or what….

Dionne:  I’m glad you were able to pull all that out, because it wasn’t my intent but that was the focus  when we were creating that song.

AD:  Wow, ok.

Dionne:  My manager, I’m blessed to have him, he not only manages all of the business and keeping things together, but he also has a musical ear.  So we’ve really been connected since 2010.  He didn’t really start officially managing me until approximately 2 years ago.  But over time, he has learned my creative process.  I mean we are good, cool, beautiful, and the whole nine but for me to allow you into the studio, to me it’s like coming into my shower.  It’s very intimate/personal.  So we got to the point where we vibe.  He’s in the NJ and I’m not, so there were often times we would do a lot of material over the phone.

I didn’t just allow someone to jump into my creation, because I want to know what you’re saying, what’s your angle, all of those things.  He’s very good about waiting/patience.  So overall, as long as my medley and lyrics are standing out, I don’t care what you (producer) do as long as my words are heard.

AD:  Cool.  You know in addition to one of the many things I do like about your new project, is the fact that it’s being released in the summer.

Dionne:  Really?

AD:  Yes, seriously.  I can close my eyes and envision as to where I can enjoy your music; and I can see me on my deck, as the sun is going down because it’s that much of a chill vibe.

AD:  But back to my list of favorites: “Move”. Yeah that song is really saying some things!!

Dionne:  The story behind “Move” – well it was the last song I did for this project.  I really wrote it for myself as if to say its time.  You can’t g backwards, so I had to push forward.  It’s the realization that everything creative you do is going to be out there.  So everything you put out isn’t going to come back.  So, that’s what  “Move” is about.

AD:  I love it.  So with you being an independent artist how would you categorize your music?

Dionne:  I’m an adult contemporary artist so it’s a little bit jazz, a little bit of soul, and a little bit of R&B.

AD:  Ok, ok.  So now that you’re an artist and you’re in the game, how do you define success?

Dionne:  Success for me is bringing my whole self all of the time – whether it’s a performance or with a CD.  It’s doing whatever I did better from the last time; and for me it’s based on me.  It’s not based on anyone else, it’s based on did communicate with the musicians?  Did I end the set/day in the best way? Did I improve that communication from the last time?  Did I receive more from them from the last time? I always want to give more and always looking for the best way to do it.

AD:  Are you going out on a promotional tour?

Dionne:  Well everyone can check out my website: https://www.dionnemusic.com/home/ to see exactly where I’ll be performing.  However, currently I’m working on what that tour is going to look like.  I’m hoping to be in the UK.  There are tons of DJs there spinning the music now and loving and posting it.  So we’re looking forward to making that happen, then return to the US and make something happen here.

AD:  That’s awesome.  What are your short term and long-term goals?

Dionne:  Wow!  Both short-term and long-term are kind of all merged together.  I really want to be in a place where the music is received, people are recognizing the brand, and what I stand for, and transition into a full-time artist.  That is what I’m really looking forward to do.  Also, using my light to shine on other people.  I mean I’m philanthropic in my own way but would love to be able to do that; and l look forward to creating opportunities to young kids.

AD:  Look at me over here! Just grinning from ear to ear.  You are so genuine.  Do you have any advice for anyone who is trying to do what you’re doing?

Dionne:  I graduated from Lincoln University and afterwards I spent some time in Baltimore, Philly and now back in Dallas.  One thing I learned by watching other artists is to never quit.  It’s that simple.  You can’t quit because, I believe the things you envision and trusting to come, will happen if you don’t quit.  If “this” and I don’t care what “this “is what you want to do, then you’ve gotta “Move”.  Even when you don’t want to, you’ve gotta move!

AD:  Amen. Amen.   So, if you were to be picked up and placed into another era of music, where would you like to be?

Dionne:  I would like to be in the 80’s.

AD:  Get out of my head!

Dionne:  Yes, put me in there with some Anita Baker somewhere because that would be awesome. 

AD:  Any words for the fans?

Dionne:  I’m elated that people can relate to what I’ve written and created.  I’m excited that they’re on board, and I love them.  I need every single one of them.  If I could reach all of them I would give them all a hug.  I’m floored anytime that I create something that resonate with folks.

AD:  And it shows through your music too.  Thank you so very much again for meeting with me today.  You are truly a positive individual.

Dionne:  Thank you and it was a pleasure meeting you as well.


About Music Avery Dey 

Inspired at a young age, music has always been a driving force in my life.  Having been exposed to many genres and events centered around music, I wanted this series to bring the human aspect of the artist to the music that we love. 

My passion for the music and desire to introduce new artists and the artists from yesterday, has been my dream for quite some time.

I am your “Avery Dey” individual who wants to share my musical appetite through my series entitled “Music Avery Dey”.  I believe that music allows us to express emotion without words yet it cannot be silenced.  It’s a powerful instrument that influences us all. 

You can experience more artist insights on my website AveryDeyEntertainment.com

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