Sean James

Official Biography (courtesy of Sean James)

Sean James is a multi-talented musician, producer and artist who began his musical career in 2010 with co-composer, musician and producer Kevan Arron. Together they developed U & A Products and are in the midst of creating this delectable album filled with soulful/indie music. This type of contemporary soul music is the cornerstone of their sound and clearly has an open doorway to audiences all over the world with this incredible innovative, refreshing new sound. 

The project is titled “LoseYaMind” which is slated for release in the fall of 2013. As a teaser, the release of their single “Sunshine” is truly a window into the energy behind the artist. This single represents the first thing we see when wake up in the morning – sunshine, so warm and illuminating, thus reflecting on a woman as being the sunshine in a man’s life when he wakes up. This single has a soft mellow tone to it filled with love and tenderness as he sings of love and the connection between these two individuals. Vocally Sean’s voice is extraordinary, deep and filled with emotion and passion. The musical arrangement blends in union with his voice and captures the essence being portrayed. What a joy for anyone who has the honor of listening to his music. 

“Sunshine” is only one of many glorious songs that grace this CD. You will experience many moods and styles from Sean James and you will be captivated by his persona. His music appeals to all urban global demographics making him a heavy contender on the world stage.

Sean James has been featured on the Indie Entertainment Summit website (, performed in New York, Atlanta, and L.A. at major venues, endorsed by Lampifire Mics and Pork Pie Drums, featured performer at Beats and Lyrics Showcase in Atlanta GA, featured song (LoseYaMind) on mvyradio, featured song (Sunshine) on The Airomee Wind Radio on Spreaker , currently has 50 radio stations circulating his songs from this upcoming CD SEANJAMES L.Y.M, and has received the first (black) indie/soul artist of Arizona.

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