Official Biography (courtesy of Kuipiio)
Her name is Hawaiian and means “Little Angel”. Her voice is angelic and seems to stand as a prophecy to her name. This 37 year old native Detroiter has spent the greater part of her life cultivating and polishing the precious gift that God has entrusted her with. Anointed, passionate and captivating are just a few words that have been used to describe the melodic sounds that are produced when this lady opens her mouth to sing. She delivers each note with seemingly effortless ease and can throw out runs and riffs without the slightest hesitation. Her uncanny ear for music has created a talent for developing harmonies that cause even the most accomplished artists to stand and applaud!
In 1996, she joined Perfecting Church in Detroit MI (Bishop, Marvin L. Winans), where she serves as a member of the Praise & Worship Team and the Perfected Praise Choir.
In her early years as a member of Perfecting you could find Kuipiio working as one of the assistant choir director’s to the PYC’s (Perfecting Youth Corale) as well as serving on the Deaf Ministry. Recognizing a rare talent, Bishop Winans immediately pulled her out to sing lead on various songs. This opportunity and her drive to sing God’s praises has afforded her the opportunity to work with some of the industry’s elite singers and musicians including The Winans, The Clark Sisters, Pastor, Donnie McClurkin, and Kim Burell just to name a few.
In 1999 Kuipiio was diagnosed with Sacoidosis, which left her lungs scarred to the point of needing a lung transplant. Through prayer, and faith God has raised her up and restored her despite a negative diagnoses. “I believe GOD, and I trust him all the way” has been her daily confession. To the amazement of her doctors, she has returned to the mic and stage!
Kuipiio’s ambitions reach far beyond just being a singer. In 2008, she and her producer (James Shelton) formed King’s Sound Production Company, which has led to the development of her skills as a writer/ producer and studio engineer. She would one day like to run her own independent production company. She is currently working on a solo project. This highly anticipated debut album is scheduled to debut in summer 2013!